Instructions to process your TF-CBT Audio Review

Step 1 : Please register using the "Registration Form" button below.

Step 2Proceed to payment (as indicated in your audio review e-mail)

TFCBT Audio Review Nov 1-2 2017 Cohort

Step 3 :

Create a folder on your computer and Download onto your computer documents 1-3 listed below:

1. Audio Cover Sheet- (to give case summary and highlight how you met objectives for the tape submission)

2. TF-CBT Brief Practice Checklist - indicating where you are with client you submitted for audio review.

3. TF-CBT Brief Practice Self Evaluation-(to indicate current proficiency on all components across your TF-CBT practice with all clients)

4. Audio File (MP3 format)  Please see the linked attached "Working through Stages"<---(click here) document to highlight content needed for passing tapes. 

Please download documents 1-3 (See Forms Below) completesave (your Name_tfcbt_audioCoverSheet; your Name_tfcbt_BriefPracticeChecklist; Your name_tfcbt_BriefPracticeSelfEval)  and upload to BOX. You will get an invitation to the Box once you have registered and paid for TF-CBT Audio Review. 


TF-CBT Audio Cover Sheet  


TF-CBT Brief Practice Checklist

TF-CBT Brief Practice Self-Evaluation