Supervising across multiple EBP's : Santa Clara County October 4th, 2017

Using Outcome Measurement Tools in Supervision &  Supervising to Multiple EBPs: Santa Clara County

Course Description

October 4, 2017

The training entitled“Using Outcome Measurement Tools in Supervision & Supervising to Multiple EBPs: Santa Clara County” will cover a number of aspects of supervision related to the tracking, monitoring and supporting model adherence for multiple evidence based treatments.  The training will target supervisors who operate in the community mental health setting and support clinicians who are practicing evidence based treatment.   There will be a general overview around appropriate supervision skills, discussion and exercise to identify methodology of case assignment to a given Evidence Based Practice.   There will be a description of a method supervisors can use to track and implement adherence rating scale(s) and there will be discussion regarding how to best utilize these tools during supervision. 

There will be brief didactic description to identify the use of a sample tool for monitoring clinician adherence to evidence based practicing ( e.g. including outcome measure scores, client progress on TCP goals/objectives, self & supervisor evaluation scores, training experience,) and discussion regarding the utilization of these results to inform the supervision process.  One strategy that will be discussed and rehearsed to inform the supervision and learning process will be methods for setting up successful role plays.    The intention for this training is to generate ideas regarding supervision practices that might be successful in the community mental health setting for supervisors who are tasked with supervising across multiple evidence based practices.